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Tournament Breakdown

The First Annual 'Hockey Night in the Bronx' Tournament will be a cash prize tournament with prizes going to the first and second place teams. The tournament will take place on Friday, April 1st to Sunday, April 3rd. 


All games will be played at the Morris Park Roller Hockey League Hockey Rink located at Loreto Playground on the corner of Morris Park and Tomlinson Avenue.


The First Place Team will take home a cash pot of $1,000.00.

The Second Place Team will take home a cash pot of $100 + a $20 gift card to Burger Time Restauraunt located right down the street at 1080 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx NY 10461.


The tournament will consist of eight teams broken up into two brackets of four. Each bracket will play a round robin and the top two teams in each bracket will advance into a cross over playoff round.


Winning teams will be awarded three (3) points for a win, two (2) points for a tie and zero (0) points for a loss. The determining tie breaker will be head-to-head. If teams are still tied after that we will go to goal differential. If still tied, we will go to a coin toss. 



Tournament Rules

The tournament will consist of eight teams broken up into two brackets of four. Each bracket will play a round robin and the top two teams in each bracket will advance into a cross over playoff round.


Winning teams will be awarded three (3) points for a win, two (2) points for a tie and zero (0) points for a loss. The determining playoff tie breaker will be head-to-head. If teams are still tied after that, we will go to goal differential. If still tied, we will go to a coin toss. 


Teams will play 4 v. 4 with no offsides, icing or two line passes. 


Periods will consists on two 20 minute halves without goalies switching sides. There will be no overtime during the round robin. During playoffs, continuous sudden death overtime will be played with 20 minute periods until we decide a winner.


All minor penalties assessed will be 1:30 long. All major penalties will be 4:00 long. Fighting or any intent to injure will result in player being suspended for the remainder of the tournament.


All players must be properly equipped with skates, shin guards, roller hockey pants, elbow pads, gloves and a certified hockey helmet. 


Teams don't need matching jerseys, but jerseys all must be the same color with a number on the back of the uniform.


All rosters must be sumbitted and finalized prior to each teams first game.



Team Fees

The team fee for the first annual 'Hockey Night in the Bronx' tournament is $250.00 per team.


Team captains will be delegated to handle the money and pay for the tournament ahead of time to secure their teams spot in the tournament. Captains will also be responsible for filling out all the necessary paper work prior to the start of the tournament. 


Team fee's must be paid in cash or by check made out to Morris Park Roller Hockey League, Inc. 


All payments are finalized with no refund. 

If you're interested in signing up, please contact tournament host Michael Cambria:


c. 347-203-1225


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